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学营销管理有什么学校 【一线营销人员管理最新研究】2016年10月21日






Multiperiod Contracting and Salesperson Effort Profiles: The Optimality of “Hockey Stick,” “Giving Up,” and“Resting on Laurels”

Kinshuk Jerath, Fei Long. MultiperiodContracting and Salesperson Effort Profiles: The Optimality of “Hockey Stick,”“Giving Up,” and “Resting on Laurels”[J]. Journal of Marketing Research, 2020,57(2): 211-235.


The authors study multiperiod sales force incentive contracting in which salespeople can engage in effort gaming, a phenomenon that has extensive empirical support。 Focusing on a repeated moral hazard scenario with two independent periods and a risk-neutral agent with limited liability, the authors conduct a theoretical investigation to understand which effort profiles the firm can expect under the optimal contract。 The authors show that various effort profiles that may give the appearance of being suboptimal, such as postponing effort exertion (“hockey stick”) and not exerting effort after a bad or a good initial demand outcome (“giving up” and “resting on laurels,” respectively) may indeed be induced optimally by the firm。

This is because, under certain conditions that depend on how severe the contracting frictions are and how effective effort exertion is in increasing demand, the firm wants to concentrate rewards on extreme demand outcomes。 Doing this induces gaming and reduces expected demand but also makes motivating effort cheaper, thus saving on incentive payments。 On introducing dependence between time periods, such as when the agent can transfer demands between periods, this insight continues to hold and, furthermore, “hockey stick,” “giving up,” and “resting on laurels” can be optimal for the firm even under repeated short time horizon contracting。

The results imply that one must carefully consider the setting and environmental factors when making inferences about contract effectiveness from dynamic effort profiles of agents。





How Employees’ Digital Presence on Service Websites Affects Customer Perceptions of Website and Employee Service Quality

Dennis Herhausen, OliverEmrich, Dhruv Grewal, et al. Face Forward: How Employees’ Digital Presence on ServiceWebsites Affects Customer Perceptions of Website and Employee Service Quality[J].Journal of Marketing Research, 2020, 57(5): 917-936.


Confronted with increasing digitalization, service firms are challenged to sustain customer loyalty。 A promising means to do so is to leverage the digital presence of service employees on their website。 A large-scale field study and several experimental studies show that the digital presence of service employees on the firm website increases current website service quality perceptions and positively shapes memories related to employee service quality perceptions from past service encounters。 Both effects indirectly increase customer loyalty and, in turn, financial performance, and are amplified by employee accessibility and a service firm’s customer orientation。

The authors examine further boundary conditions for the memory process: only service employees evoke the beneficial spillover effect to employee service quality perceptions, and the spillover effect does not generalize to evaluations of product quality。 Remarkably, an employee’s digital presence, although factually unrelated, augments customer perceptions of service employees’ competence and commitment and thus strengthens rather than erodes service employees’ role in customer–firm relationships。 Theoretical and managerial implications deepen the understanding of how to add a human touch to digital channels。





Antecedents and performanceoutcomes of value-based selling in sales teams: a multilevel, systems theory ofmotivation perspective

MULLINS, Ryan; MENGUC,Bulent; PANAGOPOULOS, Nikolaos G. Antecedents and Performance Outcomes of Value-basedSelling in Sales Teams: a Multilevel, Systems Theory of Motivation Perspective[J].Journalof the Academy of Marketing Science, 2019, 1-22.


Firms are increasingly deploying a value-based selling (VBS) approach in their sales organizations to drive growth for new offerings。 However, VBS adoption remains challenging, signaling that leaders need guidance to motivate VBS。 Drawing from the systems theory of motivation, we examine motivational mechanisms at two levels—salesperson and sales team—to understand how to motivate, and benefit from, VBS。 Using multisource data (i。e。, salespeople, managers, archival performance) from 70 sales teams in a U。

S。-based manufacturing and services provider, our findings illustrate drivers and outcomes of VBS。 Specifically, we uncover a framework of salesperson, leader, customer, and team factors that help explain salesperson motivation for VBS。 Importantly, we link VBS to customers’ adoption of new products to support VBS’s role for selling new products。 Critical for sales team strategy, our model also integrates a team-level motivational mechanism to provide a comprehensive framework for salesperson and sales team motivations and outcomes。





The Joint and Multilevel Effects of Training and Incentives from Upstream Manufacturers on Downstream Salespeople’s Efforts

MAGNOTTA, Sarah; MURTHA,Brian; CHALLAGALLA, Goutam. The Joint and Multilevel Effects of Training andIncentives from Upstream Manufacturers on Downstream Salespeople’s Efforts[J].Journalof Marketing Research, 2020, 57.4: 695-716.


Manufacturers frequently face the challenge of motivating distributor salespeople to focus efforts on their products rather than competitors’ products。 The present research explores two mechanisms that manufacturers use to address this challenge: training and incentives (spiffs)。 The authors find that the impact of these mechanisms on distributor salespeople’s efforts (toward a manufacturer’s products) largely depends on the extent to which manufacturers also provide training and incentives to distributor sales managers。

More specifically, providing greater incentives to distributor sales managers undermines the relationship between their salespeople’s training and effort but enhances the relationship between their salespeople’s incentives and effort。 Further- more, greater sales manager training enhances the impact of salespeople’s incentives on effort; however, greater salesperson training undermines the relationship between salesperson incentives and effort。 Thus, this research shows that the combination of mechanisms (training and incentives) and the levels at which manufacturers provide them (distributor salespeople and sales managers) can have different implications for distributor salespeople’s efforts。


























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